Target strikes again and 4th b-day


Okay, not as bad this time, but I only went in for the iron. How did I even end up in the food isle?

Here’s a bit of the 4th birthday party over the weekend…


Remember these? (I need a real camera.)


The girls got to decorate their own tea party hats. Love those locks. Can you guess who’s wearing a wig? I dare you to put “wear your favorite tea party dress” on your kid’s next birthday invitation. It’s awesome what you end up with.


They also got to decorate their own cupcakes for the occasion. This is my favorite photo of the day. These are cupcake decorating toes. I can only imagine the pain my body would feel if I sat this way on a hard chair while I decorated mine.


So, I went a tiny bit overboard on the goody bags (yes, those are real)… but there were only three girls (and yes, I kept one of these for myself).


Here’s the grand finale! Have you ever seen a cooler cake? Thanks Carleen!!!

Here’s a little better picture. That’s a real, porcelain tea set that she gets to play with now.


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